$wpsc_version = 169; Underground Culture – Hal's Photo Blog http://blog.halbergman.com Photo-blog and Travel-logue Tue, 23 Apr 2013 03:53:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 StoopidTall, the tallest bicycle in Los Angeles http://blog.halbergman.com/2013/04/22/stoopidtall-the-tallest-bicycle-in-los-angeles.html http://blog.halbergman.com/2013/04/22/stoopidtall-the-tallest-bicycle-in-los-angeles.html#respond Tue, 23 Apr 2013 03:53:13 +0000 http://blog.halbergman.com/?p=645 This past Sunday, I joined a quarter of a million other Los Angeles residents for CicLAvia, and rode my bicycle with a handful of friends from where I live in Downtown out to Venice Beach. CicLAvia is pretty well covered around the internet, so I won’t elaborate too much, other than: it was awesome, if a little too popular for it’s own good, and definitely needs to happen more often and run later.

When I got to Venice, I met up with several other friends, including my good friend, colleague, and extremely taleted cinematographer Richie Trimble. Riche had, only the day before, completed building a new bicycle from scratch, albeit one that was 14.5 feet (4.5 meters) tall.

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Note that the other two bicycles behind Richie are other “tall bikes”, albeit ones of standard size made from two bicycle frames welded together.

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I can’t imagine it would be possible to build a bicycle any taller and still ride it. As we rode around Venice and Marina Del Rey, Richie was constantly ducking under bridges and power lines only a few inches over his head.

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At some points, other riders would ride ahead and clear pedestrians and vehicles out of the way to make a path, so Richie could ride under parts of obstacles that had more clearance.

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I’m sure you’re thinking “how does he get off?” “How does he stop?”. These are all very good and valid questions, so I will direct you to this very fine video, shot by Richie himself from the GoPro strapped to his chest. If you think it’s scary to see photos *of* the bicycle being ridden, you should see the view from the driver’s seat from the man himself:

http://blog.halbergman.com/2013/04/22/stoopidtall-the-tallest-bicycle-in-los-angeles.html/feed 0