$wpsc_version = 169; Hal's Photo Blog » I’m Back

Hal Bergman Photography - Portfolio

I’m Back

2 Apr

Just a quick update to apologize for letting the blog languish for a year. I fell off the wagon, and then the blog got hacked, and I procrastinated for a long time on fixing it because honestly I didn’t know -how- to do it. Half a day of learning new things about WordPress later, it seems to be working again, and better than I left it.

I don’t have too much travel coming up in the near future, but I’m going to keep the blog going with photos and adventures that I’ve missed blogging about in the last year. There’s some good stuff in there.

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Above: the view from my Downtown Los Angeles studio balcony just after sunset on 12-21-12.

Also, if you aren’t already, I held off for entirely too long, but about six months ago I signed up for an Instagram account. You can now follow me there as well.