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Oregon Coast

20 Aug

Last week Josh and I drove from Portland, Oregon down to San Francisco, back along the coast route. The plan was to put together a whole Magic Window pack in two days, beating our record of shooting the whole Las Vegas pack in four. (And before that, the New York City pack in five).

We got some great content. I’d have loved to spend more time shooting more sunset and sunrise scenes, but I’m really thrilled with what we got.

Here’s frames from the rest of the take:

Timelapse oregoncoast newport 000801

Timelapse oregoncoast newport 001001

Timelapse oregoncoast walesheadbeach 000001

Timelapse oregoncoast meyerscreekbeach 000301

Timelapse oregoncoast archrockpoint 000101

Timelapse oregoncoast goldbeach 000401


Jet Set

4 Aug

I’ve been spending some time on the train going through old photos I haven’t touched since I shot them, getting caught up. The oldest unedited sets are almost 8 months old at this point, so while I complain that I spend the majority of my 5D shutter actuations shooting timelapses and not individual stills, realistically I should go through old stuff more often and edit THAT.

No, I still need to shoot more stuff, but here are some photos I’d initially looked over, from the tarmac at Charlotte Airport:

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Rear Window, Coast Starlight

3 Aug

At this very moment, I’m riding Amtrak’s Coast Starlight from Los Angeles to Portland, Oregon.  There isn’t much to do on a 30-hour train ride (except diligently catch up on work, of course), so armed with my trusty Superclamp, I mounted a 5D to the rear window of the last car on the train.

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This is one of the more scenic passenger rail routes you can take in the United States, and the only one that literally both winds it’s way along the beaches of Southern California and winds it’s way up through the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington. (Yes, it does do quite a lot of winding. I can drive the same distance in half the time, but honestly, this is a much more comfortable and far more productive way to travel).

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You know what they say.  The last car has the second-best view on the whole train.  (The first, of course, being from the locomotive)

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Las Vegas

3 Aug

I left Las Vegas last week…  I’ve actually been in Los Angeles catching up on work. I’ve been neglecting my blog and so I need to get caught back up.

Timelapse lasvegas easthillssunset 000001Timelapse lasvegas easthillssunset 001301Timelapse lasvegas easthillssunset 001901Timelapse lasvegas easthillssunset 002101

All of these are frames from timelapses that will eventually be in a future Magic Window update. I haven’t been shooting many individual photos, just a few thousand at a time. I need to get back in the habit of shooting stills during my travels as well.

Timelapse lasvegas mgmsidewalk 000301

Timelapse lasvegas strip ceasars 000101Timelapse lasvegas strip citycenter 000101Timelapse lasvegas strip planethollywood 000401

The trip culminated in a 17-hour stretch of shooting, starting with the view from the hills at the beginning of the post, moving to shooting on the strip all night (above), and ending in shooting the sunrise at the Hoover Dam.

The last shoot of the trip was shooting the timelapse below from a rooftop bar, while sipping $16 cocktails. Not a bad way to end a super-busy trip to Vegas.

Timelapse lasvegas thehotel 000201

Timelapse lasvegas thehotel 000501

Timelapse lasvegas thehotel 000701

Timelapse lasvegas thehotel 000901

Pyramid Lake

20 Jul

Alma Desnuda left me in Reno yesterday morning and continued back to the San Francisco bay area. Here, I met up with Josh, the developer of Magic Window, who had come up this way from San Francisco after raiding my storage closet for me and grabbing my camping gear.  From Reno, we set off to Pyramid Lake, about an hour North of town.

Josh had always imagined shooting a Magic Window timelapse scene of the same view as the default iPad wallpaper by Richard Misrach.

Blog 2011 07 20 ipad

Armed with a GPS coordinate and Google Maps’ satellite view, we found the spot, set up camp, and waited until sunrise.

The result was epic.

Blog 2011 07 20 pyramidlaketimelapse 1

I decided to go with a much wider angle and different framing than the original shot…  besides the fact that I don’t like the idea of blatantly ripping off another artists’ work, the wider angle I feel shows the whole Northern end of the lake, which is a gorgeous scene in it’s own right.  Still, if you compare the ridge lines, it’s the exact same mountain range, which I think is a very cool reinterpretation.

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I’ll put a video together in the next few days and post it, but I’m super-backlogged with projects at the moment and I’m trying to bang out as much work from a casino bar in Reno while I have such modern amenities as electricity and quasi-reliable cell phone service, which have been sorely lacking over the last month.

Montana Nature Hike

16 Jul

Yesterday morning, our amazing host (and incredible beer brewer) in Hamilton, Jason, took the band, the crew and I on a 4-hour nature hike into the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana.

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Blog 2011 07 16 montanahike 13

Much of the wilderness on our hike was still recovering from a recent wildfire, but the scenery was still beautiful.  We capped off the climb with a quiet meditation on a rocky peak and headed back down.

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On the Road

13 Jul

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We’ve been on the road for three days now.  We’re currently somewhere in Western Montana, after crossing all of Wisconsin, South Carolina, and most of Montana, we’ll be spending a few days in Hamilton, Montana.

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More after the jump…


Mississippi Star Trails

11 Jul

The band and I got to stay in an absolutely incredible mansion the other night in Prescott, Wisconsin.  This photo was taken about an hour and a half before sunrise, as I was setting up a time lapse.  It’s a five-minute exposure, with the clouds illuminated by a combination of light pollution, and the slightest amount of ambient pre-dawn daylight.

Blog 2011 07 11 mississippistartrails 1

Only about 45 minutes after this picture was taken, one of the most ferocious thunderstorms I’ve ever seen rolled in seemingly from nowhere.  I brought my camera back in, in the nick of time, set it back up in the window, and watched the rain and wind pound the house.

I’ll have that timelapse up in the next few days.

NYC Sunrise

5 Jul

So, I’m back on the blogging bandwagon.  Lots and lots to write about, but before that, I’d like to put up an “easy post”, and fill you in on my travels.

Since the beginning of April, I’ve spent four days in Los Angeles, two weeks in Tahoe, took a road trip from there up to Portland and Seattle and then across to Chicago, which was right about when my last post was.  In Chicago I boarded an Amtrak and headed to LA, with a quick stop in Santa Fe to visit my aunt and uncle.  I spent a month in LA, headed up to San Francisco for a week to put together the Future/Canvas opening party (more on that in another post), flew back to LA for 48 hours to shoot at Dave Taylor’s E3 party, and then boarded a plane to Austin, Texas.  I spent nine days in Austin shooting content for Magic Window and working with the team on the new Android version, and then flew to New York City.

I’ve done some other stuff since then which I’ll fill you in on, but here are some photos from a sunrise on the East River:

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Seattle Ferry

21 Apr

Driving from Portland to Seattle, we decided to stray from the beaten path of Interstate 5 and head a more westerly direction around Puget Sound.  We wound up on Bainbridge Island and took the ferry directly into Downtown Seattle just as golden hour set in.

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